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- 💫 10 things to do as a team to benefit nature that are not tree-planting
💫 10 things to do as a team to benefit nature that are not tree-planting
The January Spark
This is the monthly newsletter from Bemari where we talk about how to not get lost in sustainability. This month we share ways your teams can contribute to positive nature action without planting trees or putting beehives.
In the recent months there has been more and more conversations about nature - it is deservingly getting higher up on the agenda in corporate conversations. There is still a lot of confusion and vagueness as to what specifically organisations can do to address biodiversity loss and contribute to nature restoration.
So here are a few ways that you and your teams can be an active nature positive change-maker.
Let’s start with the more obvious ones: Donate to charities (or volunteer) that work on restoring or preserving nature. For example: Saving Scotland’s Rainforest Mossy Earth and The Wildlife Trusts.
Litter pick party in areas of public access to nature to prevent people trampling off paths when they go for walks. This helps maintain the public right of way (important!), keep pollution out of habitats (and prevent any animals munching on plastic or cigarette buds) and prevent destruction of even more habitats.
Invite a speaker to talk to your team on topics such as “what to do if you see an animal in distress” or “how to drive to avoid colliding with animals”. This knowledge can help people reduce the number of animal related deaths which we (humans) contribute to and/or reduce unnecessary deaths.
Landscape for nature. Do you have land and/or offices in need of landscaping? Invite experts who specialise in landscaping for nature and explore what your landscaping might do to benefit biodiversity and how. For example, our friends at Conscious landscape.
Sign petitions helping nature. This way you help to amplify and influence at the government level. Here are a few to get you started: Protect and restore nature in England, Business Action for Nature, Reduce use of pesticides, All party election manifestos to include nature commitments.
Count and observe to learn. As a team, take a nature related activity such as a wildlife count, citizen science events or a plant monitoring day.
Use your hands. Team up with your local Wildlife Trust to help build a home (a box) for someone in need - such as vulnerable species like dormouse, bats and owls.
Remove invasive species. Instead of planting trees, how about helping clear out invasive species? Japanese knotweed is a well known one, but also giant hogweed, floating pennyworth amongst others - Canal & River Trust are running an education programme on invasive species eradication from our waterways by 2025. Bonus points: learn what species may be invasive in your area and learn how to eradicate them.
Inspect your canteen and office supplies. Are you purchasing products that may affect biodiversity elsewhere in the world? Less meat and dairy, look for nature-related certifications such as Organic, Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), Forest Stewardship council (FSC), use products that do not come from deforestation-linked supply chains. General rules such as buy less, use reusable and refillable and reduce waste apply - exploitation of resources and unnecessary consumption is one of the leading contributions to biodiversity loss (above climate change!)
Celebrate the Biodiversity day. Organise an event, take actions, make commitments, educate others - 22 May is the International Biodiversity Day, mark your calendars and start planning!
Meme of the month

Recap of Nature Positive news this month
What nature positive actions do you take? Please share your ideas by emailing [email protected].