šŸ’« 3 things you need to know about nature-based solutions

The May Spark

This is the monthly newsletter from Bemari where we talk about how to not get lost in sustainability. This month we talk about the key questions and conversations that organisations need to have and make decisions on in order to be able to make the real progress on their sustainability journey.

There has been a lot of discussion around the number of reporting obligations, standards, 3 or 4 letter acronyms and general sustainability alphabet soup. It is easy to see why it may get blurry and unclear which way to go and how not to get lost in all the complexity.

Taking a step back and looking at what is actually important and needs to be in place, may help bring the focus back to the things that matter.

ā€˜Nature-based climate-solutionsā€™ (NbCS sometimes referred to as NCS) encompass a range of strategies aimed at preserving and enhancing carbon storage in ecosystems and on agricultural lands.

A key appeal of NbCS, is their potential to contribute to climate mitigation efforts, while also generating additional co-benefits for human well-being and biodiversity

Whilst this can absolutely be true, NbCS are increasingly touted as a silver bullet for climate mitigation, which is not the case. Itā€™s also worth remembering that fossil fuel companies are increasingly pushing NbCS, as a distraction mechanism from conversations, and more importantly action, around the decoupling of the economy from fossil fuels. 

Here are three reasons why itā€™s key to keep NbCS in perspective: 

1. NbCS-based activities are not interchangeable with fossil fuel CO2 emission reductions.

The positioning of NbCS-based mitigation activities as equivalent to, and interchangeable with, fossil fuel CO2 emission reductions carries an implicit assumption: that the removed carbon will be permanently sequestered. This assumption is critical yet, to date, has not been well acknowledged in academic research. Anything less than permanent storage is only a temporary climate benefit which does not match the multi-century to millennial-scale warming caused by fossil fuel CO2 emissions. As point two will outline all NbCS are essentially temporary - itā€™s just a case of how temporary (will they store carbon for ten years or 100?). 

Many NbCS are highly vulnerable to both human-driven (e.g., deforestation or other land or sea-use change) and climate-related (e.g., wildfire, drought, ocean acidification or insect) disturbances that could occur at any time in the foreseeable or unforeseeable future, further shortening the time that carbon is stored. Research has calculated that 30 tonne-years of temporary storage is roughly the equivalent to one tonne of permanent storage (e.g. GHG saved from being emitted through stopping burning fossil fuel). 

Thus the only way to effectively address climate change is to rapidly decouple our economy from fossil fuel. 

2. NbCS are dependent on rapid decarbonisation to be effective. 

In fact, research has shown that to realise a tangible benefit from nature stored carbon, we must rapidly decrease fossil fuel CO2 emissions to (net-)zero. If this occurs, then NCbS can help to reduce the peak temperature that the world will likely experience. 

This is because many forms of NbCSā€™ (e.g. sequestration in tree and vegetation) are ultimately temporary, as when the organism dies, carbon is naturally released back into the atmosphere. So many NbCS are essentially mechanisms for delaying carbon release, for anywhere between 50 - 200 years time. However, models show that NbCS are most effective at helping to round off peak temperatures, if humans no longer intensively release carbon into the atmosphere, at the time that NbCS start to naturally release carbon. Otherwise NbCS are just delaying dumping a lot of carbon into the atmosphere on top of whatā€™s still being put in through burning fossil fuel. 

3. Protecting ecosystems is much more effective than implementing new NbCS.

The majority of media attention and discussion on NbCS focuses on managing and restoring natural carbon sinks through activities like forest re-plantation and better agricultural management techniques (as guess what? People can sell these services!). However the most effective NbCS, from a climate and cost (and biodiversity) perspective, is protecting intact ecosystems. Protection-based NbCS are first in the hierarchy (see below) because they offer a high per-hectare mitigation that can be realized quickly and at a comparatively low cost per tCO2e.

Protection-based  NbCS also align with global commitments to stop deforestation, limit forest degradation and halt biodiversity loss. And the best bit? All businesses can contribute to this, by getting as high up the consumption hierarchy as possible! As economic activity is the number one driver of ecosystem change


So, the moral of the story? When it comes to business climate actionā€¦

  • Focus on rapid decarbonisation within your business operations & wider value chain

  • Focus on reducing your contribution to land- and sea-use change across operations & wider value chain

  • Contribute to NbCS that focus on managing and restoring nature by all means, but these must be in addition and proportionate to your work reducing the contribution your business makes to fossil fuel emissions and ecosystem degradation.

  • Follow the consumption hierarchy in day to day and business decisions

Meme of the month

Recap of Good News this month

Bemari News

New accreditation: šŸŽ‰ Bemari is now a Future-Fit Accredited Advisor accredited by the Future-Fit Foundation to apply the Future Fit Business Benchmark to support our clients with developing sustainability strategies aligned with what the world needs. šŸŒ

Reach out to explore how Future Fit Business Benchmark can support your business.

New partnership: We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Anne Veck Hair to provide specialist sustainability advisory to the hairdressing industry! šŸŽ€ We offer our services and training, tailored for the needs of hairdressing sector.

Is there an advice that has been very helpful to you and you think others would find helpful too? Please share by emailing [email protected].


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